2005 WVIAC Softball Tournament
Audio Broadcast CD's

$20.00/game or $15.00/game with order of three or more games
*Plus $4.95 per address shipping and handling
Ordering Options:

1. Fill out this form and mail: SmallCollegeSportsWeb.com, 942 Coleman Avenue, Fairmont, WV  26554
     *Pay by check or we can bill you via e-mail so you can pay using Pay Pal's secure credit card payment services.
2. Send us an e-mail: wviacorders@smallcollegesportsweb.com - List all CD's you would like to purchase.
     *We'll send a response e-mail that includes credit card purchase option using Pay Pal's secure credit card payment services.
3.  Call us at (304) 366-7649 and place an order.  We'll e-mail you an invoice.
       *We'll send a response e-mail that includes credit card purchase option using Pay Pal's secure credit card payment services.
                Notes: All orders will be filled in the order received.  Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.

2005 WVIAC Softball Championship Tournament


Mark with'X'

 Game #26 - Loser's Bracket Semifinal  
 Game #27 - Loser's Bracket Final  
 Game #28 - 2005 WVIAC Championship  
 Game #29 - 2005 WVIAC Championship 
            (2nd Game - If Necessary)

Total Games:

Cost Per Game:
Quantity   X   Price/Game
1 CD     X    $20.00
2 or more     X    $15.00/each

+ S&H


Total Amount


SHIPPING INFORMATION (Name, Address, Phone Number):



Questions? Contact us: wviacorders@smallcollegesportsweb.com

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'The 2005 WVIAC Tournament' Broadcasts